The recent video created by LPG for Opportunity Village perfectly captures the essence of our organization. They were a sincere pleasure to work with, exhibiting the utmost professionalism throughout the duration of the project. I would recommend the talented LPG team in a heartbeat to anyone in need of top-tier video production services.
Pre-Production Services
Whether you have a fully conceived vision for your project or you’re starting with a blank page, Las Vegas video production company, Levy Production Group can help you develop your project and prepare it for production. With our pre-production video services, our talented staff of producers, writers, and production coordinators works with clients to help them with script-writing, story-boarding, casting, location scouting, scheduling, set design, securing props, and arranging travel, craft services, and any other needs that there may be for a project.

We work with all the top talent agencies in the Southwest region, ensuring access to the best on-camera talent from principal actors to background extras. Our featured projects showcase some of the best work our team has completed and provide our clients with the best possible results. And our spacious Las Vegas video production studio is the perfect place for large casting sessions.
Our pre-production services will make sure that all the pieces are in place for a smooth shoot and edit, yielding a fantastic finished product.
About Levy Production Group
The Levy Production Group staff is made up of award-winners in every area of production and post-production, including acclaimed producers, writers, directors, videographers, editors, and animators.
Our 14,000-square-foot facility is conveniently located next to the Las Vegas Strip and includes a large insert-chromakey studio, a voice-over booth, and six luxurious editing suites for video editing, audio editing, motion graphics, animation, and visual FX. Having pre-production, production, and post-production resources all under one roof ensures fluidity in our process and consistency in the execution of our projects.
From our award-winning creative team to our state-of-the-art facility, and our commitment to excellence over 35 years, Levy Production Group has distinguished itself as the leading Las Vegas Video Production Company. See how Levy Production Group can help your business with our pre-production video services. Learn more about us and our goals.
(702) 597-0743
(702) 597-0741
5905 South Decatur Boulevard #1 Las Vegas, NV 89118
Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm
All services available 24/7, 365 days a year